Thursday, January 24, 2013

Why Does Cardinal Wuerl Participate in Such Things?

Cardinal Wuerl participated in the multi-faith service at the National Cathedral on January 22, 2013.  In fact, according to the Catholic Standard report, he read the second reading.

My question is "Why did he participate?"  I mean, The Most Merciful is doing everything he can to minimize the role of the Catholic Church and to subvert it, some would say even destroy it. 

Yet, we participate in it, esp. in the National Cathedral which will preform same-sex marriages. 

We need to start making a a bold and powerful statement to politicians that we will not be cowed into participating in these sorts of "blessing of the most merciful."

It is time for our bishops and clergy to stand up to this dictatorship.  The faithful will support you.


Anonymous said...

It's like the pope glad-handing (and no doubt handing him "communion" at "mass" though there are no pictures) pro- partial birth abortion U.S. "Catholic" politicians:

"Panetta kissed the Pope’s hand, and the Pope said, “Thank you for helping to protect the world.”

The Pentagon boss responded, “Pray for me.”"

And then twitting: "I join all those marching for life from afar, and pray that political leaders will protect the unborn and promote a culture of life."

"In addition to Panetta, whose Catholic but pro-abortion credentials were solidified by his support for President Clinton’s veto of the partial-birth abortion ban,"

Anonymous said...

Ratzinger w/pro-gay marriage Rowan Williams:

"In answer to the question "You yourself once thought it possible that same-sex relationships might be legitimate in God's eyes" he responded: "Yes, I argued that in 1987. I still think that the points I made there and the questions I raised were worth making as part of the ongoing discussion. I'm not recanting. But those were ideas put forward as part of a theological discussion. I'm now in a position where I'm bound to say the teaching of the Church is this, the consensus is this. We have not changed our minds corporately. It's not for me to exploit my position to push a change."[6] ...In 2008, it was reported that Williams had stated in 2000 or 2001 that homosexual relationships could "reflect the love of God" in a manner comparable to heterosexual marriages, and that he believed that passages in the Bible which are often cited in support of the view that homosexuality is a sin, in fact are aimed at heterosexual people seeking variety in their sexual experience, rather than at gay people."[13]

See many pictures of Ratzinger w/Rowan blessing & praying here: